Artist Opportunities

Artist Development Opportunity

BlackFest Writers Room 

We are proud to introduce our NEW BlackFest Writers Room 

Welcome to our free BlackFest New Writers Programme as part of our launch of BlackFest Writers Room, which invites new writers to work towards showcasing that play they have started or have been meaning to write.

We are looking for unapologetic writing and your original voice. You are invited to write the story you want to tell rather than a story you are told to write it is your prerogative! The programme has been designed to give you time and space to develop your writing skills and bring your stories to life. You can tell a story of complete fiction unlocking your imagination, removing all limitations, and exploring the need for the story to be told. You can base stories on personal experiences too,  this is a programme to really discover everything you come with and release your creative vessel and your TALENT!

BlackFest New Writers Programme is supported by Liverpool’s Royal Court Theatre and Liverpool Everyman and Playhouse Theatres

The new writer’s programme is looking to work with 6 writers, they will work on developing a 15 minute piece of writing for theatre.

The sessions will run fortnightly beginning in March – June 2021. You will be working with renowned local Liverpool writer Maurice Bessman as well as other guest professional writers for support and guidance.

The final plays will be staged as rehearsed readings at the Liverpool Everyman Theatre, working with a professional Dramaturg, Artistic Director, and actors in June 2021.

A number of plays will be chosen for further research and development for a full production and will be shown at ‘BlackFest Celebration of New writers’ at the Liverpool’s Royal Court – Studio.

Artist Development and what you will receive:

  • Working with renowned industry professionals to hone your skills writing for theatre
  • Your writing seen by industry professionals receiving quality feedback
  • Bring your writing to life with professional actors and director
  • Rehearsed reading staged at the Everyman Playhouse Theatres in June 2021
  • Support from staff of Everyman theatres and Liverpool Royal Court
  • Networking with industry professionals and new writers
  • A chance your play may be chosen to RnD at the Royal Court – Studio part of ‘BlackFest Celebration of New Writers.’
  • Marketing and social media promoting your work on partner organisation platforms and BlackFest
  • Post Show discussion – feedback from audiences and industry professionals
  • Expand your portfolio
  • Reach new audiences
  • Travel Expenses covered where face to face delivery is possible
  • Be a part of this New BlackFest initiative and hub.

For a place on the new writer’s programme, please send in a sample of your writing no more than 2 pages and a BlackFest artist registration form found here to the email address

Deadline for entries: 7th March 2021

Place are limited please apply now!

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