A group that has been designed for the Liverpool Black, South Asian, Asian and Ethnic minority artists. We want to create a sense of community and a safe space of sharing ideas and thoughts. This is an inclusive platform for the growing African, South Asian and Ethnic minority diaspora of performers, musicians, actors, singers, project managers, theatre makers, writers, doers and dreamers. Whatever your discipline and projects we want to hear from you! Please share your events, jobs, opportunities, be it casting, shows you are performing in, poetry nights or call outs! If you have an idea and don’t know how to go about it, post this too and test the waters, get advice from all of us! We want to create a support network for people of colour in this beautiful City of Liverpool. Come together and support each other and other artists of colour and this growing family of ours in Liverpool. It’s been a long-time waiting! All we ask for everybody that’s a member here is that we respect everyone’s opinions, thoughts and ideas.