Job Opportunities

Current vacancies
Project Co-ordinators X2
Having secured funding from Reaching Communities National Lottery Grant, we are looking for two project coordinators to lead on the direction and delivery of the exciting community projects in 2024 - 2025, reaching a wide and diverse range of intergenerational black and minority ethnic communities. The project coordinator will also deal with the project finances and oversee the development of our project partnerships.
BlackFest is pleased to announce we are looking for someone to chair the company. The role of the Chair is one of the most crucial of an organisation; you will be managing relations between the Board, Director and staff. We are seeking a dynamic and inspiring individual to join our team of committed Directors and passionate team of staff.
Board of Trustees
We are happy to announce we are looking to expand our Board of Trustees. We are looking for applicants who are willing to commit their time, energy, and experience to provide strategic support to our grassroots organisation, build upon the foundations and create sustainability.
Workshop Facilitators
We are looking for facilitators in creative writing, spoken word and drama. If you have workshops you facilitate that could benefit the community please also apply. To apply send in your CV and application form to
Volunteer with us as part of the festival. You will benefit from our network by meeting new people and liaising with staff in established arts organisations. Your expenses will be covered, and We will provide a reference if at any time you need one. To apply send in your CV to

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