Apples and Snakes Spoken Word Surgery

Spoken word surgery was A pre-show spoken word workshop with the country’s leading Performance Poetry and Spoken-Word organisation, Apples and Snakes. With almost 40 years’ experience producing and delivering high-quality poetry events, their aim is to stretch the boundaries of poetry in education and performance, by inspiring participation and giving voice to a diverse range of dynamic spoken word artists.
The workshop featured former UK Slam Champion to explore performance skills and techniques that could help bring your poetry to life on the stage‘
Spoken Word Poetry Night saw 4 talented spoken word artist brought their different perspectives on social parallels, raising awareness on mental health and disparities between race and gender.
Featured artists included David Loy, Claire Beerjeraz, Iroro Azanuwha and Sarah Loiuse. 
‘ transparent discussion of barriers to institutions, racism and colorism within the black community ‘

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